Organisational Structure For High Growth 
Online workshop with Don McKenzie, Tribe Global Ventures 
Online Workshop
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Wednesday 1st Nov
8am AEST / 9am AEDT / 6am AWST
It can be frustrating trying to design an organisational structure right for your company.
You need to grow rapidly, but issues keep popping up that slow you down and put you off course. You're trying to get people accountable for results, but you're also trying to spin lots of plates at once yourself.

You know you need to spent time on structures, roles and responsibilities, KPIs, goals, all of it! But its hard to find the time and there seems to be so many different ways to approach it. Everyone has their own way!

It also may be time to expand into a new state or country, but that's going to mean a revamp to the org chart, new people, reporting line changes, and new management responsibilities. How to make sure this expansion goes smoothly, everyone's aligned and onboard, and without me/us having to put out more fires?

1st Nov 2023, Don McKenzie from Tribe Global Ventures will be holding the first of a series of sessions on the key principles for effective organisational structure.

Your org structure is one of the most important ingredients in determining your future success. Seems a bit weird, but it's true. 

Organisations that achieved or exceeded their goals had the key structural ingredients in place. Companies falling behind are often missing key structural ingredients. But your real organisational structure is not just your org chart. 

Don’s sessions will help you unpack what is right for your organisation, and give you the confidence to make the required changes without causing major cultural upheaval.

We are not into major restructuring if it is not required. The analogy is to be like a high-quality face lift (wait what??). You don’t really want people to instantly see you’ve had one, just that you look better. It would be terrible if people didn't recognise you or say it is now worse. 
 Who should attend? 
Founders and key members of your team. Invite them in and then decide what works for you.
The first session is on:
Wednesday 1st Nov 2023
AEST / 9am AEDT / 6am AWST

What will the sessions cover?
The do’s and don’ts of creating roles and responsibilities.
How to use an organisational structure process to drive deep accountability.
How authority, rewards and KPI’s form part of a complete org structure.
How to structure organisations that are expanding globally. A good structure allows us to think globally and act locally, but with controlled flexibility from the centre.
How to use managerial frameworks such as Scaling Up & EOS and use some organisational structure principals to remove key problems they create.
Don McKenzie
Don McKenzie is an award winning entrepreneur turned investor. Don has been investing for nearly 20 years, with 15 years investing in venture and early stage companies, with a focus on ‘active investment’ . Don was previously the Managing Director of the Adizes Institute Australia, a consultancy firm focused on helping founders and CEOs with organisational design and performance improvement. 
The organisational chart
The org chart itself is a key ingredient, and that’s why we have partnered with to make the visualisation and management of your org chart easy. Participants of the workshops will get a link to start using the the Functionly platform for free.

It needs to be tailored to you
The workshop will help you ensure your structure fits you and your organisation like a glove. Too often growing organisations look to companies at later stages of the lifecycle and seek to copy what they are doing. “That’s a great company, we want their success, let’s do what they are doing”.

But there is a lifecycle that all organisations transition through, and your “structure” needs to match you lifecycle location today, and where it will be tomorrow.

Don will help you pin point your exact lifecycle in this context, and as a spoiler alert, it has nothing to do with age.
How do you get accountability throughout the organisation?
Founders and CEO’s often lament it is hard to get people to take true accountability. Issues always seem to fall back onto their shoulders. People sometimes just don't the results we hoped they would.

Don will provide you a simple process that ensures your organisational structure drives accountability. No excuses.
Not sure if it is right for you?
Email to get more info. 
Apply here.
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